What is Hantavirus ?فيروس هانتا
March 25, 2020 Blog
Hantavirus is not a new virus but been around for several years.
it is not a communicable virus and does not transmit from human to human.
this virus usually infects only RODENTS and human being only get infected if they come in contact with rodent urine, feces or saliva.
it is not a communicable virus and does not transmit from human to human.
this virus usually infects only RODENTS and human being only get infected if they come in contact with rodent urine, feces or saliva.
Educate yourself and people around you.
فيروس هانتا ليس فيروسًا جديدًا ولكنه موجود منذ عدة سنوات.
إنه ليس فيروسًا معديًا ولا ينتقل من إنسان إلى إنسان.
يصيب هذا الفيروس عادة القوارض فقط ولا يصاب الإنسان إلا إذا لامس بول القوارض أو برازها أو لعابها.
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