Registration of mobile IMEI in Turkey
February 14, 2020 Life in Turkey

Registering a Foreign Cell Phone (Mobile ) in Turkey
Steps to register a mobile phone in Turkey
Many foreigners bring their phones from outside Turkey due to the low prices
compared to the Turkish market.
compared to the Turkish market.
these phones only work for 120 days from the date of entry into
Turkey due to the laws of the Turkish service provider, which blocks the
service from foreign phones
these phones only work for 120 days from the date of entry into
Turkey due to the laws of the Turkish service provider, which blocks the
service from foreign phones
There are
several ways for foreigners in Turkey to register their phones, where some
prefer to open the device through a maintenance technician who changes the IMEI
mobile identification number
several ways for foreigners in Turkey to register their phones, where some
prefer to open the device through a maintenance technician who changes the IMEI
mobile identification number
While some
prefer to register the phone legally by paying the tax and registering
it in the Turkish system.
prefer to register the phone legally by paying the tax and registering
it in the Turkish system.
Here is the
the simplest way to register the phone, which is by E-devlet.
the simplest way to register the phone, which is by E-devlet.
- · Open your account and
search for IMEI Kaydet or click
here. - The page
opens a form of data for those who wish to register to fill it out accurately. - He is asked
whether you want to register the phone for you or your son, then he will be
asked to enter your phone number. - · As for the second section,
you must enter information about your device, enter the IMEI number of your
The 15-digit device and you can find it by pressing the number * # 06 #. Modern
devices accommodate several cards; you can record 3 of them.
- · In the third section, he
will ask for the document information that you entered into Turkey, a passport
or identity, and from any granted country and its number and then the date of entry, fill in the information and click next “Devam et”.
method either electronically, via E-devlet, or by visiting the Vergi Dairesi
region’s tax department.
method either electronically, via E-devlet, or by visiting the Vergi Dairesi
region’s tax department.
- ·
The last stage is to
confirm the information entered. Upon follow-up, a message will appear
confirming the registration process.
It is
noteworthy that the Turkish laws do not impose registering the phone to its
the owner personally, since anyone who has not been in Turkey for 90 days can
register a phone.
noteworthy that the Turkish laws do not impose registering the phone to its
the owner personally, since anyone who has not been in Turkey for 90 days can
register a phone.
A person is
allowed to register only one phone every two years.
allowed to register only one phone every two years.
It is worth
noting that the phone restriction fee is 1838 TL
noting that the phone restriction fee is 1838 TL
According to
Turkish law, bringing the phone over the Internet from outside Turkey is
prohibited, and in the event of purchase, customs will book the phone and a
a double penalty will be paid.
Turkish law, bringing the phone over the Internet from outside Turkey is
prohibited, and in the event of purchase, customs will book the phone and a
a double penalty will be paid.
Dr. OmerAl-Bermawy.